...and, of course, moccasins.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Whoaa! It's been forever! The busier I get, the more I forget to blog. Has it really been since November 25th that I haven't blogged??? Wow!!! And to think I used to blog twice a week or so!
If you've visited my Facebook profile at all, you'll know that recently, my friends Leah Lehman, Maria Steidinger, and Keelin Isch and my sister Erica Witzig have been talking alot about rum. You see, we watched Pirates of the Caribbean (sp?) together, and ever since, we've been laughing about rum. I kid you not - we were driving to church the next Sunday in Maria's car, Bella, and we wrote on the windows (you know how you can write on the windows with your finger when there's enough condensation) "rum = ☺"! That was on Keelin's window. On my window was, "Yaay rum! - Cack." You see, I meant to write "Jack," but I forgot that in order to be read from the outside, you have to make your letters go backwards. I made the other letters go backwards, but I didn't with the "J" in "Jack." Thus, it looked like I wrote "Cack." We all had a pretty good laugh about it. When we returned to the car after church, lo! the writing was off the cars. One of two things happened: 1. the condensation simply went away, or 2. somebody was offended by our writing all that stuff about rum and wiped it off the window. Hmm. Haha!
Let's see. I made a new website for my photography business - it's frozenmemoriesphotography.wordpress.com ...at least, I think it is. Wow. I don't even know my own business' website! But I think that's what it is...haha(:
Well, I do believe I need to go.
See ya folks later!
Lady Rachel