...and, of course, moccasins.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I Don't Even Know. I Just Don't Know. But Here I Go!

I have been ridiculously emotional over the past couple weeks.

I'm not pregnant, and I'm not sick, and I'm not on weird medication. I'm just so snappin' emotional for no apparent reason.

For example: I was driving home a couple days ago when I ran into a butterfly and thus ended its life. I literally despaired the rest of the drive home and still haven't forgiven myself. Don't you think that's a little overemotional?

Yeah. Me, too. :P

Yeah, umm...I don't really know what else to say? I just felt like checking in with y'all and letting you know that I'm still alive...uhh...that's pretty much it. :D

I think I'll go find some chocolate and cry over a sappy romance now...

Lady Rachel

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Is Modest REALLY Hottest?

One thing that's been annoying me lately is the phrase "Modest Is Hottest."

Before you shun me and think that I am a promoter of the "show-as-much-skin-as-possible-without-actually-being-naked" mindset, let me explain myself.

See, I think almost every girl has a desire to be "hot." You know what I mean - attractive. Desirable. Maybe even tempting, if we're totally honest with ourselves. But the more I mature (ha, definitely not saying I'm totally mature, though), the more I realize that I would rather be "beautiful" than "hot."

There is a HUGE difference between "hot" and "beautiful."

"Hot" is more like "alluring" or (bah, I hate this one!) "sexy." But the word "beautiful" means so much more. Real beauty is something that shines from the inside out. Beauty has way more to do with grace, poise, and attitude than it does with "hotness." If your attitude is truly lovely, then that attitude often even makes you seem prettier on the outside. That's what beauty is - something that goes from the inside out.

So, let's go back to the question. Is modest REALLY hottest? I don't think so. It's much "sexier" to wear a low-cut camisole than it is to wear a modest one.

But I don't think that "hot" was ever the impression I was trying to give people, anyways.

Sorry for the random rant; it's just been on my mind lately.

Lady Rachel

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Okay, Seriously.

Wow. Was the last time I wrote seriously August 30th of last year? That's bad. Not good at all. Kind of ridiculous, really.

Over this period of time, I have realized something: I hate it when people have nothing good to say. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you have to be cheerful all the time when you're with me, but if you're constantly an analyzer or a pessimist with absolutely nothing good to say, then I'm gonna explode. Or implode. Or spontaneously combust. Or WHATEVER it is that humans do.

For example: I've been giving speeches, and there is invariably someone whose evaluations of my speech are practically only things I did wrong. Judging by the handwriting, I'm pretty sure it's a guy, too. Typical male for you. No wonder I'm never getting married.

Would you like to hear my plans for hermitage? I'm sure you would.

I shall live in Antarctica and write by candlelight every evening. I will keep company with the penguins and howl at the moon, though I'm sure there won't be any wolves to appreciate my gesture. I will dance to music that only I can hear, and I will ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS hate the male species!

And then there's the issue of the guy I used to like. There's this guy who played me like a fool. So I wrote an angry song about him, and voila! my crush is nearly melted away.

All in all, men are sanctimonious jerks.

They all ought to be killed.

Lady Rachel